Discussing the most pressing alpine challenges at AlpWeek 2022
The ecological transition is already happening in the Alps – and we are in the middle of it. To shine a light on the different aspects of transition in the Alps, the 7th edition of AlpWeek dedicated to “Alps in transition” took place in Brig-Glis from 5-7 September. The ISCAR, Weiterlesen…
Young Academics Award 2021: Sustainable transport and mobility in the Alps
The Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, together with ISCAR is organising the «Young Academics Award» competition, which promotes and awards master’s theses on topics relevant to the Alps. This edition focuses on the issue of «Sustainable transport and mobility in the Alps». Interested parties can submit their papers until Weiterlesen…
AlpWeek 2022 in Brig
Save the Date: 05.-07.09.2022 The AlpWeek is an international event co-organised by the leading Alpine organisations committed to mountain protection ans sustainable development. The topic of this edition will be «Alps in transition». Inspiring keynotes, interactive workshops, cultural happenings, local excursions as well as a youth conference are in the Weiterlesen…