Workshop issues
«The scientific councils of Alpine protected areas: an overview and analysis of their contribution to linking science and management» in eco.mont Vol. 8 No. 2
«Recommendations for establishing or renewing scientific councils in protected areas» in eco.mont Vol. 8 No. 1
25 – 26 June 2015 (noon-to-noon)
Chambéry (F)
Programme (pdf)
This workshop will focus on the role and issues of scientific councils of mountain protected areas. Scientific councils will be seen as interfaces between science and management. Various models of constituting and organizing scientific councils will be presented and the role of scientific councils regarding science and management in protected areas will be discussed by experts from science, mountain protected areas and administration: To what extent and under what conditions are scientific councils able to promote scientific research in protected areas? To what extent and under what conditions can they support the management and the policy of a protected area and mediate conflicts? How can they contribute to building networks and cooperation?
The workshop will gather together some 40 participants, members of scientific councils and persons responsible for management and research in protected mountain areas from all Alpine countries.
Expected outcomes:
- A collective publication and policy recommendations to managers and relevant administrations
- Input to an Alpine Space project on the governance of protected areas and the contribution of science
- International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps, ISCAR
- Laboratory of Excellence “Innovation and territories in mountain areas”
LabEx ITEM (France) - Network of Alpine Protected Areas, ALPARC
No fees; meals (1 dinner and 1 lunch) and coffee breaks are offered.
25th June 2015, 14:00 – 18:00
Welcome and Introduction
Jean-Jacques Brun, LabEx ITEM and ISCAR
Edouard Simonian, Région Rhône Alpes
Plenary session: Scientific research for protected areas: different approaches
Moderator: Isabelle Arpin, Irstea
- Gaëlle Ronsin, LabEx ITEM
- Thomas Scheurer, Research Council of the Swiss National Park, CH
- Michele Ottino, Gran Paradiso National Park, I
- Carole Birck & Jean-Marcel Dorioz, ASTERS, F
- Matej Gabrovec, delegate of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences to the scientific council of the Triglav National Park, SI
- Astrid Wallner, Swiss Parks Research, CH
Discussion on presented issues
26th June 2015, 9:00 – 13:00
9:00 Discussion groups 1-3
Introduction to the workshops: Thomas Scheurer, ISCAR
1) Relationships of scientific councils to science
Moderator: Thomas Scheurer, ISCAR
Daniel Kreiner, head of research in Gesäuse National Park, A
Grégory Loucougaray, scientist active in the Vercors National Park, F
2) Relationships of scientific councils with management & policy
Moderator: Isabelle Arpin, Irstea
Dominik Siegrist, scientific council of Adula National Park, CH
Michael Vogel, director of Berchtesgaden National Park, D
3) Role of scientific councils in the interface between science and management
Moderator: Guido Plassmann, ALPARC
Chris Walzer, Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Vienna, A
Emmanuel Michau, director of Vanoise National Park, F
11:30 Final plenary session
Moderator: Fabien Hobléa, University Savoie Mont-Blanc
Marine Henry, Alpine Space Contact Point Rhône-Alpes