Research Agenda to the multi-annual Working Programme of the Alpine Conference

Since 2005, ISCAR is taking up key issues of the Multi-Annual Work Programme (MAP) of the Alpine Convention. For further information, the reader is kindly asked to visit the MAP.

System for the Observation and information on the Alps / Alpine Convention

SOIA – System for the Observation and information on the Alps of the Alpine Convention

SOIA, the System for the Observation and information on the Alps, is a scientific network with an aim to optimize the communication on research priorities and to enhance spreading of their results. It is also a support of policy development and for the implementation of existing priorities set out in the Alpine Convention, its protocols and those identified by scientific activities in the framework of the Alpine Convention. The tasks of SOIA include documenting existing research results and providing an Alpine Catalogue of Data Sources, constituting indicators and thematic work on topics (such as transport, water, climate, natural hazards etc). In addition, it provides with reliable information and competent evaluations, mainly through the common internet portal, and aims to offer an integrated image of the alpine space. One basic activity of the SOIA is the regular elaboration of the Report on the State of the Alps (RSA) on the base of indicators. SOIA homepage